1、Although you wear some cologne, I can still vaguely smell a scummy whiff out of you. 虽然你身上喷了古龙水,但我还是能隐约闻到一股人渣味儿。
2、One should love animals. They are so tasty. 每个人都应该热爱动物,因为它们很好吃.
3、Your phone is much cheaper than the phone words fee. 你的手机比话费还便宜。
4、You don't even know Beckham-- how dare you talk about basketball with me!连贝克汉姆都不知道,你还有什么资格跟我谈篮球!
5、 "Work fascinates me." I can look at it for hours! " 工作好有意思耶!"尤其是看着别人工作.
6、It does not hurt feelings, when it comes to money, but it indeed damn cost money when it comes to feelings.谈钱不伤感情,谈感情最他妈伤钱。
7、The road to success is always under construction.通往成功之路,总是在施工中。
8、The pinnacle of buffet dining is: stagger in starving, stagger out stuffed.吃自助餐最高境界:扶墙进,扶墙出。
9、The others have their background, while what I have is the sight of my back.人家有的是背景,而我有的是背影。