搞笑短信网首页 > 2014搞笑短信 > 正文 2013-12-28 15:16:9



不明觉厉:Don't get it.Sounds terrific.

十动然拒:Touched in a big way,but she rejects him anyway.

男默女泪:It can make men sigh and women cry.

累感不爱:Feeling tired and sore,can't love anymore.

细思恐极:If you really think it through,it'll scare the shit out of you.

说闹觉余 Odd one out in a rollicking crowd

普大喜奔 Delightisfying and celebreading news

不约而同:If you can't get laid,you will turn gay.

人艰不拆:Life's hard and the truth hurts.

丁日:The second straightest man in the world


《天龙八部》How I Met My Sisters

《神雕侠侣》The Big Diao Theory

《笑傲江湖》Too Many Half Men

《倚天屠龙记》2 Broken Swords

《雪山飞狐》A Song of Ice and Fox

《鹿鼎记》Project Runaway


坑口站= Rim Job Station

龙岗线= Dragon's Hill Line

双龙站= Double Penetration Station

上梅林站= King Arthur Station

八里营= Eminem’s Hood

龙阳路= LeeHom

杨箕站= Foreign Gays Station

蛇口线= Serpent’s Mouth Line

农讲所= You Said That

中山路= Pedophile Road

罗宝线= Naked Bieber Line


1.药店碧莲= yourbear billion

2.开封菊花节= Kaifeng Festival of Chrysanthemum,简称KFC

3.学霸= straight A student 学渣= straight AV student

4.丑肥宅= UFO(ugly,fat,otaku)

5.几十年如一日= decades cum and go

6.月半弯=overweight and gay

7.高帅富= girl's chauffeur

8.替= gay sex

9.不战,而屈人之兵= Make gays,no war

10.苟富贵,无相忘。Go for gay. Don't forget me.

11.法外之地= favorite place

12.葫芦娃= King Kong Handjob Brothers

13.#妇女和腐女的区别# 妇女是women腐女是wow!men!

14.2020东京奥运会= 2020 Tokyo Hot Summer Olympics


答:My little Good Buddies,简称MLGB

16.好久不见你真是胖若两人啊= Long time no thin

17.孔明= fire in the hole


1.Keep Calm and Carry on=慌JB毛,走着瞧


It's not funny at all, frog frog frog. 不好笑,蛤蛤蛤

Lying in the kitchen sink, man does stuff? 卧槽,人干事儿?

Tyrion's height and Sherlock's face, What the duck! 矮马,这你丫啥!

Undirectlookable, where's Jay fuck? 无法直视,节操呢?

Really think very afraid, Lee Anus Luck. 细思恐极,李菊福

Me strangling an eraser, sun nun mom! 我勒个擦,日尼妈!

3.see ya=看丫,gotcha=搞丫,ya know?=丫懂不?,watch ya back=瞧丫背的


One needs at least two adventures a day: an act of shamelessly pretending to be gay, and an orgy of midnight snack without delay.——Harvard U Motto


5.You made my day.=你让我日。

6.Taylor Switft’s Album=乡村爱情故事

7.I’m just kidding.我只是在造小孩

8.《The Hobbit》= 何B仔


分别是《Hunger Champ》,《Hunger Chance》和《Hunger for Game》。中文译名就是《冚家铲》,《冚家祥》,《冚家富贵》。









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